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FAQs: What Will 8000 Watt Generator Run?

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I know how stressful it is to want to buy a generator but don’t know which one to go for. Maybe because you’d not typically know what the generator can run. 

Maybe that’s what brought you to this page, maybe you are considering buying an 8000-watt generator, but what this generator can run is still unclear. 

Well, to be frank with you, if you do live in an area that is prone to power outages, you will need a backup power source of any watts for your outdoor and indoor activities.

But, when it comes to what an 8000-watt generator can power up, don’t worry! In this blog post, we discuss the various appliances and devices that an 8000-watt generator can run, how long it can run on a full tank, and much other important information you need to know about these types of generators.

We didn’t even stop there, we also go as far as suggesting some of the best 8000 watts generators if you’d decide that this is a generator you will need for your indoor and outdoor activities.

So, let’s first show you some of our top-rated 8000 watts generators you can go for before we dive into the main topic of this article. 

Our Top-rated 8000 Watt Generator 

  • Best Value

    Generac GP8000E Generator

    What will 8000 watt generator run, 8000 watt generator, Generac GP8000E
    • Generac GP8000E is a versatile and reliable generator that can power up several household appliances and devices simultaneously. Its large fuel tank means you can get several hours of use out of it, and its durable steel frame ensures it can withstand wear and tear. While it may be louder than some other options, its affordable price point makes it an attractive option for many buyers.
  • Best Value

    Westinghouse WPro8500 Generator 

    What will 8000 watt generator run, 8000 watt generator, Wentinghouse WPro8500 industrial portable generator,
    • Westinghouse WPro8500 is a powerful and reliable generator that provides a large fuel tank and long runtime. Its remote start function and digital display make it easy to use and monitor, and its sturdy steel frame and roll cage ensure its durability. While it may be pricier than some other options, its added features and warranty make it an attractive choice for buyers.

Understanding the Power Output of an 8000-Watt Generator

Before we dive into what an 8000-watt generator can run, you must understand the power output of such a generator. 

For better understanding, an 8000-watt generator can produce a maximum power output of 8000 watts or 8 kilowatts. 

What this means is that an 8000 watts generator can only run appliances and devices that require a maximum power output of 8000 watts or less, and not more than that, else it will damage the generator.

Based on that, that’s why it’s always important you know what you are buying before deciding so you won’t go and buy what won’t power your appliances and devices adequately.


Not all appliances can an 8000-watt generator power up. You should always calculate the watts of the appliance you want to power and make sure it does not surpass 7500 watts for your generator to work without stressing itself off. When you power a generator with exactly 8000 watts of appliances, you are killing the generator, and this will result in the generator becoming damaged.

What Indoors Appliances Can an 8000-Watt Generator Run?

Now that you know and understand the power output of an 8000-watt generator let’s discuss what appliances and devices it can run. 

Having said that an 8000-watt generator can power up several household appliances and devices simultaneously, such as:

  • Refrigerator: Firstly, a standard refrigerator typically requires between 600 and 800 watts to operate. So, if you’d have a refrigerator, an 8000-watt generator can power it up simultaneously, that’s if there isn’t another powerful appliance working that would surpass the normal watt.
  • Air Conditioner: Secondly, an air conditioner’s power consumption depends on the size of the unit. However, an 8000-watt generator can power up a central air conditioning unit or two smaller window units depending.
  • Electric Stove: An electric stove can consume anywhere between 2000 and 5000 watts, depending on the number of burners used. So, an 8000-watt generator can power up an electric stove with a few appliances operating, and in most cases, nothing should be plugged when using an electric stove on your 8000-watt generator.
  • Microwave: In the case of microwaves, they typically require between 800 and 1500 watts to operate. Therefore, for an 8000-watt generator, they can power up microwaves and some other appliances simultaneously.
  • Washer and Dryer: A washer and dryer typically require around 1200 watts to operate. And, if you’d remove 1200 watts from an 8000-watt generator, you will see that there are still many watts remaining, which means that an 8000-watt generator can power up a washer and dryer and other appliances simultaneously.
  • Water Heater: Lastly, a water heater can consume between 4000 and 6000 watts, depending on the size of the unit you are using. And for an 8000-watt generator, it can power up a small water heater. In this case, you should add other appliances to the generator.

What Outdoor Appliances Can an 8000-Watt Generator Run?

So far, we have checked what indoor appliances can have 8000-watt generator power, now, it’s time for us to check at outdoor appliances that can also power as generators can’t only be used for indoor activities.

Based on that, we also listed some of the outdoor appliances and devices you can run with an 8000-watt generator.

  • Power Tools: Firstly, we have power tools. These power tools such as drills, saws, and sanders typically require between 1000 and 2000 watts to operate successfully. Hence, an 8000-watt generator can power up several of these power tools simultaneously.
  • Electric Grill: Secondly, an electric grill does consume between 1500 and 2000 watts to operate. This means an 8000-watt generator can power it up without issues.
  • Outdoor Lights: Then we have outdoor lights. There are different types though, but the average outdoor lights typically require between 200 and 500 watts to operate. So, there’s a higher probability of an 8000-watt generator powering it up successfully.
  • Pool Pump: Lastly, if you’d have a pool pump, I’m sure it can consume between 1000 and 2000 watts to operate. So, if you are to use an 8000-watt generator, it can power up a pool pump with other small appliances.

How Long Will an 8000-Watt Generator Run?

You already know about what indoor and outdoor appliances an 8000-watt generator can power without overworking itself. 

That’s if you’d want to use a refrigerator which is 800 watts, you can also use it together with a pool pump which is 2000 watts since it’s within an average of the normal generator watt. 

But, one thing for sure is that you should never be on the appliances at the same time, which will result in overloading, making the generator trip off.

So, now that you have understood much about what this generator can run, let’s talk about the runtime of an 8000-watt generator. 

When it comes to how long an 8000-watt generator can run, it depends on several factors, such as the load capacity, fuel tank capacity, and the fuel efficiency of the generator. That means, the amount of thing you power and the fuel in the generator, will determine how long it runs.  

But on average, an 8000-watt generator can run for at least 8 to 11 hours on a full tank of fuel at 50% load capacity. However, if you’re running multiple appliances and devices at the same time, the runtime will decrease.

What to Consider When Buying an 8000-Watt Generator?

Now that you have seen the things this generator can power and you have decided on buying an 8000-watt generator, there are a lot of things you should know to ensure you get the best value for your money. 

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Power Output: Firstly, you should know that and consider that you are powering at first. That’s to say, the power output of the generator should be sufficient enough to power up all the appliances and devices you intend to use during a power outage or outdoor activity.
  • Fuel Type: Secondly, generators can run on various fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, or propane. Each of these fuels has its price, advantages, and disadvantages. However, you should make sure you choose a fuel type that’s readily available and cost-effective in your area.
  • Fuel Tank Capacity: Thirdly, the fuel tank capacity of the generator will also determine its runtime. Therefore, ensure you’d choose a generator with a fuel tank capacity that meets your needs.
  • Noise Level: Fourthly, generators can be loud, which can be a problem if you live in a neighborhood with noise restrictions. In this case, ensure you choose a generator with a noise level that meets your local regulations and won’t cause many issues.
  • Portability: Normally, 8000-watt generators are portable, but if in the end that is not what you’d plan on buying, you can choose another generator’s watt that’s lightweight and easy to move around.
  • Price: Lastly, the price of the generator needs to be considered before making any decisions. Truly, generators can be expensive, but make sure you choose within your budget but still meet your needs. Don’t forget there will also be maintenance. Don’t go buying what you can’t maintain.

Our Top-rated 8000 Watt Generator

If you have decided to go for an 800-watt generator, here are the best 8000-watt generators. 

There are several options available on the market, but these are our top-rated 8000-watt generators and what makes them stand out.

1. Generac GP8000E Generator 

Generac GP8000E Generator

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07N76WN9Z&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=generator00fd 20&language=en USir?t=generator00fd 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07N76WN9Z
  • Generac GP8000E is a versatile and reliable generator that can power up several household appliances and devices simultaneously. Its large fuel tank means you can get several hours of use out of it, and its durable steel frame ensures it can withstand wear and tear. While it may be louder than some other options, its affordable price point makes it an attractive option for many buyers.

An 8000-watt generator like the Generac GP8000E can power a wide variety of appliances and tools, which makes it okay for both residential and commercial use.

With its Power Rush Advanced technology, the Generac GP8000E can deliver over 30% more starting capacity, making it ideal for powering up electric motors and tools. 

One thing I love about this generator is that its electric start feature and plug-in battery jack make it easy to use, while the long-lasting OHV engine and large-capacity steel fuel tank with fuel gauge provide up to 11 hours of runtime at 50% load.

The covered outlets’ offer added protection, heavy-duty wheels make it easy to transport, and the fold-down handle allows you to move it to any location with ease. 

The low-oil feature automatically shuts down the generator, preventing damage to the unit, while the hardened 1.25-inch steel-tube cradle increases strength and resilience. 

The regular maintenance alerts also provided by the hour meter help users stay on top of upkeep tasks, ensuring that the generator is always ready when needed.

In terms of its capabilities, an 8000-watt generator like the Generac GP8000E can run a variety of appliances and tools, including refrigerators, freezers, sump pumps, well pumps, air conditioners, heaters, lights, power tools, and more. 

Lastly, It is also capable of running multiple appliances simultaneously, making it a great choice for emergency power backup during a power outage or for recreational use.


  • Versatile with the ability to power several household appliances and devices simultaneously.
  • Large fuel tank with up to 11 hours of runtime at 50% load capacity.
  • Affordable compared to some other options on the market.
  • Electric starts for easy use.
  • Durable with a sturdy steel frame.


  • May not be the most fuel-efficient option available.
  • Some users have reported issues with the electric start function.
  • Louder operation than some other options.

2. Westinghouse WPro8500 Generator 

Westinghouse WPro8500 Generator 

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B078V3N7RQ&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=generator00fd 20&language=en USir?t=generator00fd 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B078V3N7RQ
  • Westinghouse WPro8500 is a powerful and reliable generator that provides a large fuel tank and long runtime. Its remote start function and digital display make it easy to use and monitor, and its sturdy steel frame and roll cage ensure its durability. While it may be pricier than some other options, its added features and warranty make it an attractive choice for buyers.

The Westinghouse WPro8500 is a powerful and durable generator that is designed for industrial-grade applications. With 8500 rated watts and 11500 peak watts, this generator is capable of powering a wide variety of devices and equipment, from sensitive electronics to heavy machinery.

One of the standout features of the WPro8500 is its large 6.6-gallon gas fuel tank, which provides up to 12 hours of runtime at 50% load capacity. This makes it ideal for use on job sites or in situations where reliable power is needed for an extended period.

The electric start feature and remote start key fob makes it easy to start the generator from a distance, while the lifting hook and heavy-duty wheels allow for easy transportation.

The full-panel GFCI provides an important safety feature, ensuring that the entire circuit is protected from potential shock or electrocution. Additionally, the Smart Idle feature helps to reduce fuel consumption by automatically idling down when there is no load.


  • Large fuel tank with up to 17.5 hours of runtime at 25% load capacity.
  • Durable with a steel frame and roll cage.
  • Three-year warranty for added peace of mind.
  • Digital display for convenient monitoring of power output and other metrics.
  • Remote start for easy use.


  • Higher price point than some other options.
  • Heavier and less portable than some other options.

Can You Still Use 8000 Watt Generators?

Apart from that 8000 watt generators can power a lot of appliances, but they have their flaws. For instance, the use of fuel on this generator might compare to other portable generators and also the noise.

So, therefore, can you still use an 8000-watt generator? If yes, then go on and pick from our top-rated ones. We don’t suggest much so we’d not get you confused. 

We only suggested that once we know we can serve you right and won’t develop any issues as long as you maintain them adequately. 

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